Qwartz Face Interact, Take and Post photo to Facebook Real Time Voronoi Hardware : 1 Kinect 1 PC Partner: Raymond Interactive
Qwartz Move 8000 Leds Ball ( over 258 000 RGB leds ) in a cylinder 8m height by 5m diameter Capture and display of a Player/Dancer. Volume Rendering of light the rest of the time Voxel real time rendering Hardware : 1 Kinect (or Stereo Capture using OpenCV) for Interactivity 1 PC Partner: Raymond Interactive
Aquarium 12m wide x 3m50 heigh 3000 real time fishes, sharks, whale Interactive zones Hardware 31 HD Screens 3 Kinects for Interactivity 8 PC to drive the screens 1 PC to drive the 3 Kinects 1 PC Server